Sunday 16 June 2013

I'm still alive (and announcing the 30 day challenge).

Hey guys,

For some of you who are wondering where I am. Well I'm here! Life's been sort of on the sucky side the past month, and I didn't have the energy to make posts/videos. I read quite a few books that I plan on reviewing at some point, but I don't want to put too much pressure on myself.

Also in the booktube community, there has been talk of a 30 day reading challenge. I think originally the idea is to read 1 book a day, but there's no way in hell I can manage that. So I'm going to modify it a bit. I want to read an average of 200 pages a day for the next 30 days. Which means 6 000 pages.

The challenge starts on June 17th and ends on July 16th. It will overlap with the read-a-thon that's from July 15th to July 21st. I'll post more about the second challenge when the time comes.

I don't have a set list of books that I want to read, but I have a few books from the library that'll have to get through. For this challenge I'm only including books and graphic novels (though I only plan on reading one).

I'm going to try and make a video for the challenge. I don't promise anything though. And also I'll update every 4 days about my progress and what I'm reading.

Let me know in the comments if you plan on participating and what you're going to read!

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