Showing posts with label canadian author. Show all posts
Showing posts with label canadian author. Show all posts

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Fall Into Reading | Read-a-thon

Hey guys,

So this is my first attempt at participating in a read-a-thon! I'm really excited :) If you want to join, click on the banner and it will take you to the host website!

I want to read 2 books, 4 graphic novels. I will try and push it to 3 books, but with school and everything, I don't know if it'll be possible. I will try though!

I plan on reading:

1. Carnival by Rawi Hage
2. Tiger, Tiger by Margaux Fragoso
3. 100 pages of Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (so I can make my video on Friday)

I don't know what the graphic novels will be yet because I need to go to the library :p

You can follow me on goodreads and twitter where I'll try to update a lot!

Hope you all have a wonderful week!

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Review | Scaredy Squirrel Goes Camping

Scaredy Squirrel Goes Camping by Mélanie Watt was the first book of the Scaredy Squirrel collection that I read, and I really enjoyed it! 

Scaredy Squirrel is afraid of going camping. Actually, he’s pretty much afraid of everything that requires having to leave the comfort of his home. That is why he doesn’t go camping. 

So Scaredy decides that instead of going camping in the wilderness, he would watch a movie about camping! Sounds like the perfect plan, right? Only he forgot one thing. He doesn’t have a power outlet in his house! The nearest is miles away at…the campground! And so, he sets on a mission to go and plug his TV. 

“Reaching the nearest electrical outlet will require major surviving skills.”

He prepares the best of plans, but of course nothing goes according to them, and he ends up learning a valuable lesson: some things are worth the trouble!

I loved this book, and even though I’m an adult, I will probably try and get my hands on the others in the series. 

I couldn’t stop laughing throughout the entire story. Especially when I read the part about the penguins:

“Wherever there are coolers, penguins rule. They are as cold as ice, and won’t warm up to you! Toss popsicles to occupy their sharp beaks.”
And then his rule:

“If all else fails, take cover and play dead.”

But not only the story was funny, the illustrations were beautiful. They reminded me a little bit of old cartoons and the colouring was gorgeous. I had as much fun looking at the pictures as I had reading the story!

I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone. I’m sure that parents will enjoy reading this book (probably the entire series) to their kids as much as they will love the story. You might have to read it over, and over again! 
To buy this book you can click HERE! :)

*This book was sent to me by NetGalley in exchanged for an honest review (book ISBN: 1894786866)

Monday, 29 April 2013

Review | Pour Rallumer les Étoiles par Dominique Demers

Pour Rallumer les étoiles est la suite de la trilogie Marie-Tempête. L’histoire débute 16 ans après que Marie-Lune donne son moustique en adoption. 

La série est divisée en deux volumes – à la bibliothèque il y a deux parties, bien que je crois qu’il existe une publication en un seul roman – et l’histoire est en fait une quête de réponses aux questions que se posent Marie-Lune, ainsi que Grabriel.

Marie-Lune ressent un besoin grandissant de savoir ce que son fils est devenu, s’il est bien et heureux. Il y a un vide en elle, et ne sait comment le combler. Elle a fait des démarches pour entrer en contact avec les parents adoptifs avec qui elle s’était si bien entendue 16 ans plus tôt, mais est surprise lorsqu’elle reçoit une réponse négative de la part de Claire, lui demandant de ne plus les contacter.

De son côté, Gabriel (son fils) vit une phase très émotionnelle et comprend qu’il ne pourra jamais savoir qui il est vraiment sans rencontrer ses parents biologiques. Il entreprend donc  des démarches pour les retrouver et sa détermination le pousse vers l’haltérophilie et une « princesse chiante ». 

«  Gabriel avait eu le temps de plonger dans ses yeux et il s’y était amarré »

Le roman est écrit pour les adolescents, mais puisque la série Marie-Tempête fut parue un bon 10 ans plus tôt il aurait été bien qu’elle soit écrite pour les adultes. J’ai lu la trilogie alors que j’avais 13 ans et donc, je suppose que la majorité des lecteurs sont maintenant adultes. 

Le style d’écriture est très simple, mais poétique. J’adore le fait que l’auteur utilise un langage distingué, mais de « chez nous ». 

« Alors seulement, il osa lever les yeux. Une forêt l’attendait »

L’histoire se lie trop vite à mon goût. C’est dommage dans un sens, car j’aurais aimé qu’elle dure plus longtemps. J’avais l’impression d’embarquer dans leur vie quand tout d’un coup c’est déjà terminé.
En bref, c’est une belle conclusion à la trilogie Marie-Tempête, mais j’ai trouvé la fin précipitée comme c’est souvent le cas dans la littérature jeunesse. 

Sunday, 28 April 2013

A message that made my day!

This might come across as a fangirl post, and it totally is! The author of Swallow messaged ME on goodreads to thank me for my review!

It took me a while to realize what was happening, and then I felt this excitement bubbling up and eeeeep! Also I was kind of self-conscious about my writing, ahah! But yeah! That's so wonderful! I'm going to pick up Cleavage tomorrow!